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Montessori in Brighton, MI


The 5 Voices of Enlightened Parenting

Maple Tree Montessori Academy is very excited to welcome author Chick Mooman to our school. We will be hosting a Chick Moorman Workshop on Saturday, February 6th from 1:00 to 4:00, “The 5 Voices of Enlightened Parenting”. Chick is a wonderful, funny and insightful speaker and we are very pleased that he makes time in his busy schedule for our school. The usual fee for a Chick Moorman workshop is $60.00, we are happy to offer this event free of charge to our community. All parents,teachers and caregivers are invited to attend and bring friends! This event opens our 2010 Summer Camp and Fall enrollment to the public. We hope you will make this workshop a priority, the practical suggestions and humorous insight make this an excellent opportunity for all interested in improving their child interaction skills.

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