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Montessori in Brighton, MI


November Open Observation Month and Much More

School has been in session for two months…are your children happy, learning, growing academically and socially? Is your experience of school everything you would wish for your child and your family?

If you are considering a change, you are wishing for a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment for your child…please consider visiting our school. November is Open Observation Month at Maple Tree. We are welcoming all interested parents to come, observe and experience the Montessori difference!

Our year at Maple Tree is off to a wonderful start! The school is buzzing with happy, engaged children. Students are working in the classrooms, exploring, socializing and contributing to community service projects… they love to come to school!

November is an exciting month at Maple Tree.

On Thursday, the 14th at 6:30 Ms. Hema will be leading our Parent Study Group. The discussion will focus on “Grace and Courtesy…Social Development and Peace Education in a Montessori Environment”

On November 20th, our Violin, Drama and elementary students will be presenting a Celebration of the Arts.

November 22nd, Movers for Meals will be collecting our food donations for Gleaners.

We will also be hosting Maple Tree Montessori’s annual Thanksgiving Feast. Our 3 – 6 year old students prepare an amazing meal to be shared with our entire Maple Tree Montessori family.


Our teachers, students and families come together in full appreciation and share in the lovely experience of gratitude.

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