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Montessori in Brighton, MI



| Events, General, News, Uncategorized, Upper El

Mountain Gorilla Fundraising Update

by Maple Tree

     Our gorilla walk at the Old Hartland High School was a success. We had many people there. We sold snacks, beverages, pizza, 50-50 raffle tickets and t-shirts.       We are very close to our goal which is $1000, we are less than $40 away. We now are doing a bottle drive for the gorillas too and are also selling bracelets and necklaces and you or your child can also have a hair wrap.      Thank you to all the parents and students who came to the walk and all who bought t-shirts and have supported us. You have helped ... Read more

| Events, General, News, Uncategorized

Family Night to Celebrate Earth Day

by Maple Tree

We are happy to invite all of our families and friends to our Earth Day Celebration on Tuesday, April 21st from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Our Nature Education Instructor, Julia Liljegren and our students have put together some fun and informative activities and displays for all to enjoy. We will learn about the history of Earth Day and the projects our elementary students have been working on this past year. We are also going to play a family game of Environmental Jeopardy. Everyone is encouraged to dress in recycled clothing made from used clothes and you can sign up at ... Read more

| Events, General, News

Community Service and Fundraiser Projects

by Maple Tree

Upper Elementary is having a community service project for the month of April.  It is a food drive for Gleaners Food Bank.  We are collecting food for our community who can’t afford to buy food or are in hard times.  We will be taking the donations to Gleaners, April 2th, 2009.  People need our help and we try our best to help them.  The Mountain Gorillas are in need of our help.  These animals are close to extinction and upper elementary are trying to do something before it is too late.  We here believe we can make a difference.  We ... Read more

| Events, General, News

Embracing Humankind

by Maple Tree

What does diversity mean for me? What does diversity mean for my child? How do I give my children the tools they need to work in the world outside my home and small community? Will my child be comfortable in the Global Economy? Join Julie Harrison, Multicultural Respect Trainer/Consultant and long time Montessorian along with Maple Tree staff, in an interactive, revealing diversity workshop. Come share your experience strength and hope with our community and help us all “Embrace Humankind” and prepare our children for “The World Community.” Saturday, March 14, 2009 – 1:00 p.m. thru 4:00 p.m.

| General, Lower El, News, Primary, Uncategorized, Upper El

Montessori Philosophy, Fundraising and Community

by Maple Tree

A little history, Maria Montessori first opened her Children’s House in the slums of Rome to serve impoverished children who had been left wandering the streets while their parents worked. Montessori schools have been held in churches, villages and even refugee camps. Dr. Montessori has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and the Montessori Philosophy has been embraced by world leaders, teachers and parents who are dedicated to bringing a holistic approach to children’s well being for over 100 years. In many western countries Montessori education has become an option only for those who can afford tuition prices that even exceed $15,000.00 ... Read more

| Events, General, News, Uncategorized

Maple Tree Montessori Enrollment Open House

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori Academy will be holding an informative Open House on the first Saturday of each month…March through May 2009, from 11:00 – 2:00. Parents may tour the classrooms, meet teachers and ask questions. We are currently enrolling for Fall 2009 and we encourage all interested parents to take this opportunity to become familiar with our authentic Montessori environment, preschool through elementary programs and our wonderful staff.

| Events, General, Lower El, News, Primary

Montessori Elementary School Coming Up Night

by Maple Tree

On Tuesday February 10th at 7:00pm, Maple Tree Montessori will be hosting a parent event for all families considering Montessori Elementary School for their child. This will be an informational meeting between parents and our Lower and Upper Elementary teachers. If your child is a Kindergarten student and you are considering Montessori for 1st grade, or your child is “coming up” to the Upper Elementary from the Lower Elementary…this is your opportunity to tour the classrooms, meet the teachers and ask questions. If you know a friend who has a child in another Montessori program, be sure to share this ... Read more

| Events, General, News, Uncategorized

Chick Moorman Workshop Saturday February 28th

by Maple Tree

Once again, Maple Tree Montessori welcomes author Chick Moorman to kick off our open enrollment season. “Parent Talk” will be held on Saturday, February 28th from 1:00 – 4:00 in the afternoon. Chick is a funny, insightful and inspiring speaker who engages his audience in an experience of parenting that is both practical and thought provoking. We are delighted that he is able to come and speak at our school. Although his workshops are often priced above $50.00 per person, we are offering this event free of charge. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity…and invite your friends and family to attend!

| General, News

A Hope for Peace

by Maple Tree

Dr. Maria Montessori’s work with children, although centered through observation and education transcended both these forms to a level of content that resulted in her nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Montessori Philosophy is not just a method of education, but it is a broad reaching, indeed worldwide, social movement. It is an inspiration of the spirit of humankind, this idea that the child is to be revered as the hope for mankind and that within the child is the potential for a lasting peace, a “peace through education”. This inspiration of thought was radical 100 years ago and is importantly and hopefully ... Read more

| Events, General, Lower El, News, Primary, Uncategorized, Upper El

Upcoming Events

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori Academy is pleased to invite you to attend our first ever Celebration of Performing Arts. This exciting event will be held at the Hartland Music Hall on Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 pm and will feature performances by our Suzuki Violin students, Music and Dance by our elementary students and skits performed by our Drama Class. All families and friends a welcome and performing students should arrive a just little early.This is a celebration of our expanded programs, giving our students a slightly formal opportunity, a beginning experience of performing on a real stage. There will be no formal dress rehersal ... Read more
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