No School Wednesday or Thursday Extreme Cold
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday, January 30th and 31st due to extreme weather conditions. Please stay safe and warm.
No School January 29th Snow Day
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori will be closed today due to winter weather. Please stay warm and safe.
No School January 28th 2019 Snow Day
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori will be closed on Monday, January 28th due to an incoming winter storm. Stay safe and warm!
No School Thursday, January 24th
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori will be closed January 24th due to icy winter weather. Stay safe and warm!
Maple Tree Montessori Snow Day
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori will be closed January 23, 2019 due to icy winter weather. Stay warm and safe!
| General
No School Snow Day
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori Will be closed today due to winter conditions. Stay safe and warm!
| General
Maple Tree Montessori Snow Day
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori Academy will be closed on Friday, March 2nd due to winter weather. We will reschedule our Elementary Constitution Day next week. We will still have our Prospective Parent Open House on Saturday, March 3rd from 11:00 – 1:00 followed by Chick Moorman from 1:00 – 4:00 We hope you can attend! Enjoy the snow!
| General
Chick Moorman Workshop
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori is delighted to welcome back parenting author and speaker Chick Moorman on Saturday, March 3rd immediately following our Prospective Parent Open House. Open House from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm “Grace-Full Parenting: How to Infuse your Parenting with Grace,” 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Maple Tree Montessori Academy. 2944 S. Old U.S. Highway 23 Brighton, Michigan $20.00 per person or 2 for $30.00 please pay at the door For more information contact Sue Cherry at info@mapletree.test.
| General
No School Friday, February 9th
by Ms. Sue
There will be no school tomorrow due to a winter storm. Stay safe and warm!
No School Monday February 5th
by Ms. Sue
Maple Tree Montessori Academy will be closed on Monday, February 5th due to wintry weather. Stay safe and warm!