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Montessori in Brighton, MI



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Maple Tree Welcomes Chick Moorman

by Maple Tree

‘I’m becoming a regular at Maple Tree Montessori. 7th year in a row. Come on over and find out why. March 12, Brighton, MI. “Dimensions of Discipline”, 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Maple Tree Montessori Academy. For more information contact Sue Cherry at info@mapletree.test.’ Chick Moorman

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Chick Moorman Parent Workshop at Maple Tree Montessori

by Maple Tree

Join us Thursday, March 12th from 6:00 pm for a wonderful and inspiring workshop “Dimensions of Discipline” presented by author Chick Moorman. Chick is a funny, wonderful and inspiring speaker and parent educator. Learn more about Chick at The suggested donation to our scholarship fund is $20.00 per person or $30.00 per couple. Child care is free for ages 2.5 and up. See you there!

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No School on Monday, February 2nd

by Maple Tree

There will be No School on Monday, February 2nd. Enjoy this Snow Day!

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Parent Workshop Thursday, February 5th

by Maple Tree

We would like to invite all interested parents, grandparents and caregivers to attend our workshop “Stewards of Children” presented by the Livingston County Child Abuse Prevention Council on Thursday, February 5th at 6:00 pm. This important event will, educate and empower parents to protect their children from child sexual abuse. Learn how to establish communication, effective boundaries and a culture of awareness and advocacy for the safety of our children. There is no charge for this event.

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Chick Moorman Workshop

by Maple Tree

Join us Thursday, March 6th from 6:30 pm for a wonderful and inspiring workshop “Parent Talk: Words that Empower, Words that Wound” presented by author Chick Moorman. Chick is a funny, wonderful and inspiring speaker and parent educator. Learn more about Chick at The suggested donation to our scholarship fund  is $20.00 per person or $30.00 per couple. Child care is free for ages 2.5 and up. See you there!

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The Great Lessons of the Montessori Elementary Curriculum

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree is excited to present our next Parent Study Group on February 13th @ 6:30 pm…”The Great Lessons”. The Great Lessons are the underlying foundation for the Montessori Elementary Cosmic Curriculum…”that from which all else comes”. Ms Hema will delight us with an actual and dynamic presentation of the First Great Lesson “The Coming of the Universe”. She and Mr. Kyle will then take us on a journey through: 2. ” The Coming of Life” 3. ” The Coming of Humans” 4. ” The Coming of Writing” They will demonstrate how these basic lessons expand to create the flow ... Read more

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No School Wednesday, January 29th

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori will be closed Wednesday, January 29th due to extreme weather. Please stay safe and warm.

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Upcoming Enrollment Events

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori is currently re-enrolling our existing students and their siblings for our 2014 / 2015 school year. We will begin Open Enrollment to the public on February 1st by enrolling students on our waiting list and then we will continue to enroll new students until our classrooms are full for fall. All interested, prospective parents are invited to the following events: January 25th – Brighton Library Pre-School Open House 11:00 – 2:00 January 29th – Howell Library Pre-School Open House 10:00 – 12:00 February 1st 11:00 – 1:00 Open House February 13th @ 6:30 Parent Study Group Hema ... Read more

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January 2014 Events

by Maple Tree

Thursday, January 9th @ 6:30 – Parent Study Group will feature Ms. Julie presenting “Embracing Humankind” in support of our desire for diversity and Martin Luther King Day. Tuesday, January 14th @ 6:30 – Moving Up Night will feature Ms. Hema and Mr. Kyle discussing their programs for any parents interested in continuing their child’s Montessori education into the Elementary years. This will also kick off our Pre- Enrollment period for Fall 2014. This allows current families to reserve space before we “go public” at community library Open Houses on January 25th (Brighton) and January 29th (Howell). More information about ... Read more

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November Open Observation Month and Much More

by Maple Tree

School has been in session for two months…are your children happy, learning, growing academically and socially? Is your experience of school everything you would wish for your child and your family? If you are considering a change, you are wishing for a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment for your child…please consider visiting our school. November is Open Observation Month at Maple Tree. We are welcoming all interested parents to come, observe and experience the Montessori difference! Our year at Maple Tree is off to a wonderful start! The school is buzzing with happy, engaged children. Students are working in the ... Read more
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