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Montessori in Brighton, MI



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Diversity Workshop

by Maple Tree

On Saturday, January 16th from 1:00 to 4:00 Maple Tree Montessori is pleased to kick off our Early Enrollment for current parents with a interactive diversity workshop. “Embracing Humankind” hosted by Julie Harrison of “One World Mind” is an engaging experience in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We invite all interested parents, teachers and community members to attend. There is no charge for this event.

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Wish for Peace

by Maple Tree

Dr. Maria Montessori, over 100 years ago, opened a Children’s House in a poverty stricken area of Rome. In this lab school, she observed children and documented their developmental needs. Dr. Montessori was a biologist and so she saw children as the young of our species, she later expanded on her discoveries toward a lofty purpose, Peace through Education. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after addressing the world in the late 1930’s. This was a time of turmoil and pending disaster, she was pleading for a new perception, a shift of purpose. Maria Montessori’s hope was that ... Read more

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Celebration of The Performing Arts

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori’s 2nd annual Celebration of the Performing Arts was a wonderful event. The Violin students are doing very well and their performance was very inspiring. The Drama class was great!! Funny and entertaining. Thank you to Ms. Sherri Magno and Mr. Aric Liljegren for all their hard work. We also had many parent volunteers, Cassandra, Mindi, Jennifer, Natalie, and Shari. Our “film crew” also deserves a thank you, Rick, Josh, Tim and Anthony. Thanks to all the parents that came, brought cookies and supported our studnets in this wonderful experience.

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Parent Support

by Maple Tree

We would like to thank all the parents who have been so supportive and helpful in getting our school year off to a great start! Our Habitat work day was very productive, thanks to our volunteers. Rick (who is a great leader), Vivian, Malcom, Kimmer, Sandi, Josh, Jake, Joel, Cassandra, Dean, Helena,  Claudia, Aaron, Joey, Maya, Julia and Deb all contributed lots manpower, time and effort to restore the use of our trails, gardens, temperate forest and prairie. Thank you!! We also have volunteers helping with our Suzuki Violin program…our thanks to you, Mindi and Nadia for helping us keep ... Read more

| Events, General, News

Maple Tree Montessori Music Night

by Maple Tree

Maple Tree Montessori Academy will be hosting a Music Night for parents on Wednesday, September 9th at 6:30 p.m. We are happy to announce that we will be offering Suzuki Violin and Folk Guitar lessons for students this year. Brant Losinski, our new guitar instructor, will discuss the importance of Folk Music and Sherri Mango will outline our Suzuki Violin program. Julie Harrison will also be on hand to answer questions about our Montessori Music program which incorporates vocal music, Orff music, ear training and composition. All parents are invited to this event, which is sure to be interesting and inspiring.

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Parent Night

by Maple Tree

Just a reminder, tonight is our annual Parent Orientation Night starting at 7:00 pm. This is a great chance to meet the teachers, parents, review and see what’s new! This evening is appropriate for all parents from preschool through elementary. We are excited to start our 2009/ 2010 school year and hope to see all of you tonight!

| Events, General, News, Uncategorized, Upper El

Mountain Gorilla Project: Exciting News

by Maple Tree

The Upper Elementary “Save the Gorillas Gang” is proud to say that we have finished our mountain gorilla project and it was a big success. Through all of our efforts (and with your support) we were able to raise $1,051.88 for the mountain gorillas. All of the funds raised will go to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International ( We have received such a good response to the shirts we have put them up for sale online on t-shirts as well as other products like coffe mugs, a water bottle, tote bag, and a poster. A portion of the sale ... Read more

| Events, General, News, Uncategorized, Upper El

Thank you

by Maple Tree

     Friday May 29th was our last “Pizza Friday.” This upper elementary fundraiser was a great success. We are able to purchase all items on our technical wish list.   Thank you for all your support,   Upper El Class

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Fall 2009 Montessori Pre school, Kindergarten and Elementary Enrollment

by Maple Tree

Deciding whether to enroll or continue enrollment in a private Kindergarten and Elementary school is a difficult decision many parents are facing under the added weight of uncertain economic times. Public school systems and charter schools offer tuition free programs, but because they rely on state funding, many are struggling to maintain current levels of quality programs for students. Some schools are facing drastic deficits and unknown budget cuts are imminent, important factors for parents to consider. Private parochial schools are subsidized by sponsoring churches, reducing tuition expenses and are often excellent choices for families seeking private school quality in combination with and under ... Read more

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Summer Camp 2009

by Maple Tree

Summer is right around the corner and we still have openings in our Montessori Summer Camp. This year we have decided to offer two week sessions of camp throughout the summer as well as an alacarte selection of one week Enrichment Camps. Parents may choose any or all of the options, as suits their needs and the interests of their child. Our basic Summer Camp offers a full Montessori classroom experience in the morning, with a focus on the Earth and the various Biomes such as, Desert, Wetlands, Temperate Forests, Grasslands and Ocean. We do have several of these Biomes available ... Read more
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