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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Upper El

| General, Lower El, News, Primary, Uncategorized, Upper El

Seasonal Reminders

by Maple Tree

The snowflakes and the tempatures are falling and winter is on the way! A good time it seems for a few seasonal reminders. We will still be going outside on a daily basis unless the wind chill is below 20 or it is raining, please send clearly labeled winter clothing for your child. Snow pants, boots, mittens and hats should be all marked with your child’s name and these items may be left in a bag at school instead of transported daily. Also, many students wear slippers during the winter months. The slippers should be non-distracting, labeled and can also be left at school. ... Read more

| General, Lower El, News, Primary, Upper El

Morning Drop Off

by Maple Tree

Thank you Tricia, for sending a reminder to our parents about A.M. drop off. I do regret that in my excitement over all our new programs for 2008, I did not cover this well at Parent Night. I thought it was included in our August Newsletter, but I was mistaken, it was in September’s. Many of you may remember this drop off process from past years, it has worked very well. When you pull in to drop off, pull up as far as you can. Along the fence and in the north parking spaces, form 2 lines. Then blend into one ... Read more

| General, Lower El, Primary, Upper El

First Week of School

by Maple Tree

We are all happy and excited to be back at school. The students are all full of enthusiam and eager to learn, glad to see their friends and teachers. The Upper Elementary class is off to a great start and they are all working together to develop their classroom and to balance their daily schedule. The new materials in the Upper Elementary are very compelling and the students are looking forward to using these “new works”. Lower Elementary students are enjoying the new layout of the classroom and are busy welcoming their new classmates. They are also engaged in establishing ... Read more

| General, Lower El, News, Primary, Uncategorized, Upper El

Pizza Fridays

by Maple Tree

Fridays will be Pizza Day at Maple Tree Montessori. The Upper Elementary will organize and run a year long fundraiser for their classroom by ordering, selling and distributing pizza by the slice. We don’t have all the details yet because this is a class project and will be set up by the class. The hot lunch program from Savor the Season will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays. The pizza will be served on Fridays. The Upper Elementary class will determine how the raised money is to be spent, we will keep you posted!

| Events, Lower El, News, Upper El

Upper Elementary Teacher Announced, Meeting on July 14th

by Maple Tree

We have decided on an Upper Elementary teacher for our new classroom. Debra Babiarz has been working as an assistant in the Lower Elementary and much to our delight, has decided to take the Upper Elementary training this summer. Debra is an experienced state certified Elementary teacher. She is well known to the children and has years of experience teaching this age group. Debra is currently taking the classes at Michigan Montessori Teacher Education Center and will be doing a mentored internship this year at our school. In addition to the training program supervising teachers, Melissa Boffi will be mentoring ... Read more

| Lower El, News, Primary, Upper El

Suzuki Violin Program and Music at Maple Tree Montessori

by Maple Tree

After years of searching, we have found a very talented and experienced teacher, Jessica Enderle, to run a Suzuki violin program at our school. We would like to offer individual and group lessons to all interested children. Suzuki music programs are an amazing way to learn music. This will enhance our developing music program. We have already hired a Montessori music teacher for fall that is also very talented and experienced. Julie Sporer, will be teaching music to the Elementary and Full day students. The Suzuki program will be optional and the teacher will set the fees involved. We will ... Read more

| Events, General, Lower El, News, Primary, Upper El

Maple Tree Montessori’s First Post

by Maple Tree

Hello, and welcome to our blog. Through this, we hope to to provide timely, relevant and interesting information to the students and parents of Maple Tree Montessori Academy. While most of the information here will be directly related to news and upcoming events at our school, we also hope to provide information that will be useful to all parents in Brighton, Livingston County and beyond. We also welcome comments, links, and feedback through this blog and would also be happy post information on upcoming events that cater to children, parents, and families in the Brighton area. Thank you for stopping ... Read more
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