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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Four Types of Poetry

Here we will have fun with four different types of poetry.

Haiku Poem Questions

  1. What kind of a puzzle is a haiku poem?
  2. What country does the haiku poem originate in?
  3. How many lines are in a haiku poem?
  4. What is a syllable?
  5. How many syllables are in the first and third lines of a haiku poem? 
  6. How many syllables are in the second line of a haiku poem? 

Cinquain Poem Questions

  1. Does a Cinquain poem rhyme?
  2. How many syllables are usually in a Cinquain poem?
  3. How many syllables are in the first line?
  4. How many syllables are in the second line?
  5. How many syllables are in the third line?
  6. How many syllables are in the fourth line?
  7. How many syllables are in the 5th line?

You do not have to do the assignment at the end of the video.

Limerick Questions

  1. What are two characteristics of a limerick poem? 
  2. How many lines are in a limerick?
  3. What are Rhyming words? 
  4. What 3 lines in a limerick all rhyme? 
  5. Do the 3rd and 4th lines have the same rhyme? 
  6. Do the 3rd and 4th lines rhyme together?
  7. What kind of “sandwich” is a limerick? 
  8. Who is called “The Father of Limericks?”

Name/Acrostic Poem Questions

  1. What is the theme of a name/acrostic poem?  
  2. What can the poem be about? 
  3. Do name/acrostic poems need to rhyme? 
  4. Do the lines in a name/acrostic poem need to be long? 
  5. What does horizontal mean? 
  6. What does vertical mean?
  7. When writing a name/acrostic poem do you write the name or phrase horizontally or vertically? 
  8. What does descriptive mean?
  9. What is a dictionary?
  10. What is a thesaurus?
  11. Where can you look up descriptive words? 

*Now Write two Different Types of Poems. 

(You choose the types.)

*You will use one for the poetry cafe.

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