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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Lower Elementary

Expanding Horizons, Deepening Understanding

Lower el featured img

Why choose Maple Tree Montessori for my child’s Elementary School?

Maple Tree Montessori Academy offers Brighton parents a choice of a fully Montessori Elementary Education. Maple Tree Montessori currently enrolls students through the 6th grade and we are the only Private School in Livingston County that offers an Elementary Program that is not parochial or religiously affiliated. We are a registered Private School with the Michigan Department of Education and we provide a rich, diverse, stimulating and nurturing community.

Parents who are searching for a quality private school experience for their children should consider this; books, articles and studies have been recently published which compare the outcomes of middle school children very similar in many respects except for one, Montessori education vs. Traditional education. Minhaly Csikszentmihalyi and Kevin Rathunde, University of Utah in 2003, focused on these two groups and reached the following conclusions:

  1. Montessori educated children were much more likely to show high levels of intrinsic motivation.
  2. Montessori educated children were much more likely to engage in periods of deep concentration.
  3. Montessori children were much more likely to identify their teachers as supportive, fair and interested in them as people.
  4. Montessori children were much more likely to identify their classmates as friends.

Montessori children were generally accepted to be academically more advanced, but the social and intangible outcomes were both unexpected and important. The research showed that Montessori adolescents have a deep and satisfying community life that increases, as they get older. They feel that they are learning with friends. The students reported a stronger sense of psychological and emotional safety, they felt safe from the emotional pain associated with putdowns from teachers and other students and they were much more positive about the quality of their school community.

In a discussion of “flow” and “style of engagement”, the relevance to lifelong learning becomes apparent. The Montessori children, because of their greater interest level; higher intrinsic motivation and strong investment in their work were able to show greater persistence when faced with challenges and a stronger feeling of pleasure and enjoyment of task solution. Montessori children had a strong sense of being actively involved in learning and enjoying learning. Further it can be speculated that Montessori adolescents will look forward to their careers and social interactions as a part of their service to society and the world.

We at Maple Tree Montessori Academy are proud to be a continuing part of Dr. Maria Montessori’s legacy to the children of the world. We invite you to visit, we invite your questions and we invite your research into her work and ours.

Lower Elementary

The Lower Elementary classroom is composed of students between the ages of 6 – 9 years. These students, in Maria Montessori’s second plane of development, often do group research projects and continue to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. The Great Lessons, Time lines, concrete materials for Math, Grammar, Geography and Science all inspire continued academic growth and increased proficiency in basic areas. This lays a strong and comprehensive foundation for later, more abstract concepts and learning.

The child is developing an increased moral and social awareness, they seek true justice and so they play a very active part in the rule making and structure of the classroom. They begin to become socially aware and often organize fundraisers and early level community projects. Art, Music, Yoga, Cooking and Physical Education are incorporated into a holistic approach to curriculum. Spanish instruction is 3 days a week and done in small group and large group sessions, vocabulary increases and writing begins. The child discovers and relishes the experiences available in this new, expanding environment.

Shared Services Program

The Lower Elementary Program for 1st through 3rd Grades at Maple Tree Montessori supplements our outstanding academic program by utilizing the State of Michigan’s Shared Services Program with Brighton Area Schools.

Our Lower Elementary students’ educational opportunities are enhanced by additional instruction with Brighton Area Schools Teachers in the areas of Music, PE, Art, and Foreign Languages in 1st – 3rd grade and includes Computers for the students in their 2nd and 3rd grade year.

We are very happy to offer these enhancements to our Montessori curriculum and have welcomed the opportunity to work with our colleagues from Brighton Area Schools since the inception of the shared time program.

AMS Elementary Video

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Livingston County’s only Authentic Montessori Preschool & Elementary Programs

Come and Experience the Authentic Montessori Difference at Maple Tree Montessori Academy!

We provide a loving and stimulating environment as Dr. Montessori intended which encourages your child to thrive!

  • Uninterrupted 3hr Work Periods
  • Multi Age Classes – Toddler, Primary, Lower El & Upper El
  • 5 Day a Week Programs
  • Fully Equipped Classrooms with Montessori Certified Teachers & Certified Assistants
  • American Montessori Society Verified School and Michigan Montessori Society Full Affiliate
Ams Verified Montessori School Imc Michigan
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